I wish I could be like Nemu, able to fall asleep whenever the lights go out or whenever she just feels like taking a snooze...I've been having a belly of rocks that creates tension and cramps so it's been bothering my sleep the last two nights. Not to mention an irritating phlegmy cough that just won't go away. Some nights it's gone and only bothers me during the day and SOOOOOOOOOOMETIMES... >.< ARRRGGGGHHH! Well the kicking and the coughing combo is bad so I'm up all night...and then I'm dreadfully tired in the morning.
Tomorrow (today actually) is my first day back at work after the Easter holiday. I took an extra day off to get some of my official stuff done like closing of excessive bank accounts and checking the insurance, visit the pharmacy and etc etc....The day was too short to say the least. I should have taken an extra day. I guess I'll have to do it next week or the week after depending on what I have on schedule. I've been holding back on buying baby stuff until next month due to the fact that we will possibly be moving pretty soon. Then I'll need a few days to sort some 'OTHER' things like change of address, internet connection, blinds (don't want no snoopy neighbors) or curtain rails, gardening tools (have to start soon before the planting season is over), some berry bushes to start with and a mad rage to pull out all the idiotic plants called 'Sirens'. Yeah some old people like em...but I really hate the smell of them as it irritates my nose so much. The scent is not mild but JESUS christly strong, it's like walking into a store full of those old hags that lost their sense of scent and sprayed twenty tons of parfume ala Poison on them (or was it Poisson :P).
In any case I'll pull the plants adjacent to my yard...they can keep theirs for all I care, I just have to minimize the smellies so I don't die from being fumigated by natures old hags wearing too much parfume. Go figure the builder's wife (the people we bought the house from) loves them <.< cause she belongs to the parfumery generation. She's a nice person (so far) as I don't know them so well so can't judge yet... apart for their taste of shrub fences :P. Maybe they don't like what I'm going to do with my garden but hey! It's mine and I'll damn well do what I wanna do :P...that's the whole point of having a garden right? <.<
I should actually try to roll around in bed with this rock solid tummy... if this horrible feeling doesn't go away by end of this week I'm visiting the nearby health clinic's doctor and complaining about this....I really need to rest and not being able to sleep many nights in a row is torture.
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