I guess it's best to wait until she's born, we'll still have about a month after that to register and find her an official name. Until then she'll just have to settle with some digits. At some angles she does look like her aunt Denise...maybe it's those pics when you can see through her eyeballs :P...Because Denise didn't really have much of white when she was a baby. She had black mouse eyes! :D
Being now 26 weeks and 1 day pregnant I feel that everyday is closer to the day when my little ambulance will appear. I cannot wait for that painful day however I want her to still grow well inside. I've taken a vow to work with less stress and if I run out of hours, I just have to make a habit to do it tomorrow. It is not going to be easy...Another thing I can do is to take more breaks throughout the day since I can work later from home and this way I don't tire myself too much.
These few weeks I've seen so many kids and babies that I'm wondering what I'll do wrong with my own...Everyone seems to have the perfect little angel and seem to be handling it very well. I just hope that when my turn comes my little angel will be a little angel not a fire engine or an ambulance. Anyways here's a small preview of my precious little thing...
btw my dear sister - I don't look like that!! I don't have mickey mouse eyes! =PP
Yes you do larr....Especially with this one pic of you sitting on the red battery operated car :D !!!
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