Saturday, 28 February 2009

The modern parenting

Babies needs are rather marginal...however modern marketing has made parents think that babies need everything! New gizmos and gadgets that never even existed when we were babies or when our parents were babies! I have to admit I've taken into some of the marketing hype in regards to baby products...right now I'll be happy to have the basics when the baby is born :). I am out of energy just looking at those baby things. Yeah they are cute and great but my brain can only absorb so much at this point.

At first I was only looking for things for the first few months...and come to realize how fast babies actually grow and outweighing the price of items :S. I'm taking in any baby clothes used...I've also purchase a few of my own and will purchase something I like the baby to wear when we're going out or visiting. I'm just trying to figure out if I REALLY need everything I'm going to buy or thought of buying. So I'll make a list and strike them out depending on how much these things cost.

In the meantime surfing the net for baby items is just giving me a migraine (which I already have without doing so). Now for some phood... ^___^

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