Saturday, 10 January 2009

More recipes coming...

I know that my recipe blog is a bit boring but today I got my Darling Hubby to take pictures of the process of making Gyoza. It wasn't easy -___- as he was busy engaging a battle with Persia on CIV IV. So some pictures are rather dodgy but you get an idea. I will make the pineapple jam again one of these days as well as the tart now that I have this cool cookie dough presser. I had some pics of making the sambal for Nasi Lemak. However I am freaking lazy to do more... My kitchen is just a holy mess and it's demotivating to do anything...I'm still waiting for my king size kitchen with a real gas stove before I start actively blogging some of my favorite recipes...HOORAY! One way I can keep all my recipes in one place without losing them as when they were a form of scrappy notebooks that tear to pieces... <__<..Back to the kitchen...wouldn't want to burn my Gyozas!!!!

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