What a strange feeling! I'm now a Finnish Citizen...What does that mean for me? New passport in a country I've lived quite a long time in. It took me a while before I took the leap but whatever, it's worthwhile. I don't really have much waiting for me back home except a number of old friends I'll miss. Thanks to the internet era I can still keep in contact with them ^___^. I can always visit them and they can always come visit me. As for family they are always welcome to stay as long as they wish :). Just as long as I get my privacy every now and then ;).
The fact that some things are working out great and some things are just plain weird is strangely good. At least not everything is purely great so that life doesn't feel surreal. I hate my little hut of an apartment but it serves its purpose as a sleeping quarter, I barely spend time at home these days with work and all. I just feel sorry for the poor puppy who has to be long days alone and has to sleep in the living room during the nights. She needs to be trained to be alone soon the baby comes and will be taking her sleeping space in the bedroom. We're still waiting on the decision for a land to come along from the town (it's not free, it's still rather hefty price to pay) so that we can get a move on things and deciding the house package and what not.
Today is technically last day of work before my Christmas vacations begin. I'm looking forward to recharging my ever working body (being pregnant and all) to a state where after I wake up from sleep I feel refreshed and not as though a bus has hit me and reverse to make sure I died <__<. I had lunch with the group of people I work with but barely see, it was refreshing to get out and do something different (not to mention running away from the horrid canteens we have :P). Hubby still has to work on Monday 22nd Dec and Tuesday 23rd Dec. He says it's okay and he's quite a tough cookie. He has been my saviour these past few months, I wouldn't have been able to take all this without his support. Although I don't always show my appreciation and am quite often in a cranky mood (or a horrendous witch), I do love him and I do care about him. Of course I feel sorry after being cranky and perhaps saying things out of anger I didn't mean to, apologizing to him afterwards feels weird and somewhat embarrassing. He's been a sport with it all.
He's the most patient man I've ever met. Has the temper of a saint (or lack of temper :P). He can annoy me with his sports but hey, what's a man gotta do? ;-). In any case he's been Nemu's main walker these days as I feel like a boat on dry land. Half the time my feet are like balloons and my back feels like I've been carrying tons of rocks. I have alot of changes going on in my life and all of them has been rather positive. I'm content....no wait...I'm happy...what the hell was I thinking? I'm VERY HAPPY! I better go get some shut eye as I have to visit my ob-gyn tomorrow for an Ultrasound (Hello Peanut! Mummy will get to see you again...^___^) then also the dreaded test for down syndrome. My fingers and toes and what not are crossed. We have someone in the family that has this misfortune although he's doing quite well, however I'm not sure if I'm strong enough to cope with raising a child with down...Then again I start to think what if I had a choice to terminate...do I have the strength? Maternal instincts kicked in quite early for me so it would make it hard but I guess the decision will be made with my strong hubby who will be loaning me a shoulder to cry on if the decision would be fatal.
Let's not dwell on the horrors of pregnancies and hope for the best. ^___^
Wishing you lots of love and joy this Christmas!
Hugsy Hugs,
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