Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Is it the end of August yet?

I have been waiting for the end of August since the beginning of July. Reason being that I haven't had much of holidays and I don't quite like the heat plus my project needed me to be working during the month of July. I kinda like strolling into an empty floor and having the entire office space to myself. Not to mention the parking spots available is amazing since I could park literally ANYWHERE ^__^. Now that all the rested grunts are back at work it will take a while until they settle in. I wonder why people get so easily irritable after they've had a long vacation, I should be the one grunting (I am...) due to not having any.

I always assume that it would be easy with children but juggling work and a baby it's quite a chore. It would make sense to be a stay at home mum but that would mean we would have to move out of our semi-dream home. If you ask a friend who recently visit she'd appreciate my home but for some reason I'm not so. This is again another halfway home just like all the other houses we've had. We are overweight IT geeks that know nothing about building. Even hammering a nail to the wall would give us a blue thumb. It's quite a risky business to start obtaining a land to start building while being 5-6 months pregnant. So I started a search for something more towards our price range and found this little brand new idyllic home. The size was enough, some wasted space and the layout was so and so. The kitchen was not what I dreamt about but it will have to do for now. I'll try to obtain pictures from my dear friend Angie as she went around to take photos of this messy abode.

At this moment nothing matters but my little one's happiness :). My kitchen can wait :o).

Daddy giving the birthday girl a kiss!

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