Wednesday, 11 March 2009

My poor Nemu

Nemu had to go to the dentist at the vets and this is the first time she's ever needed to get sedated for an operation. They discovered she has tonsillitis and on top of that her teeth were so bad they had to sand it down and remove all the dental plague and stones, she also had bacterial infection on the gums but that was minor... They wanted to sedate her for longer but I guess after convincing them it was only so that they could do just enough for Nemu. She's still strange today, who can blame her. She had an IV drip on the left paw and was still weak last evening that peeing was difficult as she couldn't get to her pee stance not to mention walking straight <_<. I'll bet my neighbors thought Nemu had one drink too many at the pub.

Today Nemu's better however she's still not fully herself. She took her first 1/2 tablet of antibiotics and tried to cheat... <_< She ate all her yummy food while cleverly avoiding the pill but I caught her so I forced it down her throat...not a nice picture but someone's got to do it. She didn't put up much fight...she doesn't normally anyways...

All in all she's been rather baby-ish today and was whining a little...She fell asleep on the couch but awoken to a terrible nightmare...It shocked me cause she was half asleep and was tearing the couch into bits and pieces with her claws...Oh well...Now we have Nemu's claw marks all over the couch, thankfully the material is 'rather' strong but still it now looks incredibly horrible...Anyways a short video of her before and after operation.


Liisa said...

Poor Nemu. :( I hope she's feeling better now.

Jacey said...

Yes she's already up and running :). It took almost a day but glad to see she was her own self...except that now she has the appetite of a horse... :/

Khoh^Emm said...

she look more and more like a penyapu .... can sweep floor ... wishing mine will be like that soon so that he can sweep my floor!!!

Why your office so empty one - everyone tau lan ar? ^^