Saturday, 18 June 2011

The garden is ready!

I promised to post the progress but I failed to do so as I was feeling frustrated being bitten by millions of mosquitoes while trying to get it ready hence forgotten to take snap shots of the progress. However I manage to get the finishing work while the plants are still growing =).

My garden corner - Blueberries up front, veggie beds at back =)
I've been trying to battle the flea beetles eating my Pak Choy but it seems to be in vain. After shortly posting this to FB my uncle passed on advice from my aunt that I should spray garlic and soapy water so they'd go away. I should consider that...Another advice I found from some gardening sites is that I should use some nettle water to spray on these little guys so the flea beetles will not like them. As I opened the hood to take photos...A few ladybugs have flown in to eat the unwelcome tenants. I covered them in quickly so that they can eat all those nasty buggers and their offsprings.

I'm quite pleased that this year my Peony didn't have blight issues. I was quite depressed that it was so terribly ill two years in a row. Now look at my little Shirley Temple!

Shirley Temple Peony -I chose this because it had the name of the
actress that my mother was named after =).
Also the white with a hint of red is just fantastic!
I also grew Rosamund potatoes and the Blue congo out back behind the Syringa Lilacs (Syreeni in Finnish). I also have the Spaghetti squash there lingering =)

Rosamund potatoes with pink skin -They are the bushy guys closer up
The Blue Congo with the purple stem - They are actually blue inside!

And then the close up of my Pak Choy being eaten by those nasties :(

Beautiful Pak Choy with nasty bug eaten holes.
 I'll try to spray the garlic-soapy water to see if it helps!
Last year my summer squash plant was larger. This year he's looking rather small. My spaghetti squash is still trying to get bigger but the cold weather isn't helping very much. I'm planning to use a large bottle to cover the area it is growing in piercing some holes for air so that it keeps warm and maybe then it will grow better =). Anyways here's a pic of my not so lovely zucchini.

This year this little guy is growing in the old Syringa's spot.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Hello and welcome back....

okay the title was meant to be a joke :P I've been gone way too long from my blog due to having too little time for myself these days. Today was the day when my hubby took my little girl with him to his sisters so she could play with her cousins while he went to play golf with his dad and brother in law.

I don't fancy the game at all so I'm glad that this worked out well on my behalf too... I got to sleep until almost 13 (yes I know rather late... =.=") I got to go to the garden store to pick up some stuff I was I got to tidy up the house a little. I'll share some photos later this evening after I've tidied up the place a little more =).