I have been meaning to write here but I've been rather busy with work. I've recently left my previous employment to a new job doing something rather similar with a chance to change into a different role in within the same field in the near future (hopefully...). Of course in the beginning I'll be doing the same old things I've been doing for the past 6-7 years but at least it'll be familiar. I'm kind of sad about leaving my old project when I haven't completed it as I really enjoyed working with the project team. So far I've done all I can to handover the project to my dearest successor (I wish her immense luck as this project is not what you'd call a walk in the park). Having a good team with great support always helps, so I'm not too worried about her. I'm more worried if I've left something out. I hate doing half arsed work (like I do with my blogs *cough* or back in school :P <_< sorry about that). I can't wait for all this snow to melt. I'm missing gardening... I wonder if I have anymore sweetpea seeds to plant?
Sweetpea, Champagne Blossoms |
Those were from last year's batch but due to the short summers I never got any riped peas from my stock. This year I plan to be working alot in summer as I'm only taking my 'summer' holidays when the weather here gets yucky. This way I will have probably a very hot summer again...I complain alot about the heat and about the extreme cold. I do like it chilly but when you live in a country where it can get to -30 at the southest part, THAT'S extreme! Lately my biggest concern now is about starting a new project. I've been starting so many projects but never having a chance to end them...or then I get them towards the end and not really getting a chance to start them. I plan to now concentrate a little on my career goals and hopefully get to where I want to be in within a year. I'll play it by ear and see how I progress monthly.
My hubby on the other hand has been having challenges of his own. He seems to be struggling a little but I believe that he's just stressing for nothing. He can only do so much with the time given and usually (or almost always) when you change jobs you'll need time to adjust. Now that being said...I should jump on a running train and be able to drive it as I've been placed in the exact same job I've had just two years or so ago. However that's not the case, dealing with two different companies with similar processes you will make mistakes. I already notice I'm making mistakes when uttering person's role. It's late... I better get to sleep. I'll continue this jibber jabber tomorrow! Adios!